125 Years of National Geographic

Culture Vultures

Two weeks ago, when exams, deadlines and dissertations were a mere afterthought, and my mind was still enjoying the post-Christmas lethargic lull, the family and I headed off to a Photography exhibition entitled “The Great Adventure”. It documents 125 years of National Geographic photography, so was basically an hour spent ogling at some of the best travel photos of all time. Imagine the best holiday snaps ever summed up in one huge room. So here are some of the faves:

siam-dancers-moore_8026_990x742NGS Picture ID:1283612{These photos were taken at the real start both in the early 1900’s, it is so interesting to see how far technology has brought us since then!}

935256c1-94bc-4b68-ac6d-8f362d3bcbbb  crystal-cave-Carsten Peter & Speleoresearch and films{This was my favourite photo of the whole exhibition, it is of massive beams of selenite in the Cave of Crystals deep below the Chihuahuan Desert in Mexico}

tumblr_mlaxz67Q6V1s7f3fyo1_1280{This photo cracked us all up, it is children in the very Northern Territories…

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